IT Consulting

Field consulting IT

Any questions about IT and Digital?

  • How to get the most out of IT?
  • How to optimize IT support and development costs?
  • How to develop a unified IT development strategy?
  • How do you enable IT to respond flexibly to business requirements?
  • How to build effective IT operations and management processes?

Let's answer these and many other IT and Digital questions!

When implementing consulting projects, Dewright specialists use as their own methods, as well as the world's leading methodologies (COBIT, ITIL, MSF / MOF, PMBOK, etc.), this allows ensure high quality of work performed and results.

IT Consulting IT-consulting) is a consulting service in the field of information technology (IT).

In more detail, IT Consulting is project-oriented activity that allows you to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness use of information technology, as well as develop recommendations for optimization.

IT Consulting services allow you to ensure compliance with the IT component (network, hardware and software) and IT processes of the customer to its business processes, creating an effective platform for doing and developing business.

As a rule, IT Consulting includes the following items:

  • Optimization of costs for the implementation of information technologies.
  • Improve the efficiency of business processes.
  • Improving the transparency and manageability of the company's activities by creating a unified IT infrastructure.
  • Introduction of enterprise-level systems (Business Intelligence, CRM, ERP, NIS, Groupware and etc.).

Turning to DeWright specialists, you will get:

  • An efficient IT infrastructure;
  • Central IT/Digital management and monitoring system;
  • Compliance with national and international IT/Digital standards;
  • IT/Digital Development Plan and IT Services Business Scheme;
  • Assessing the current state of IT/Digital;
  • Assessment of management processes and personnel in IT;
  • Ensuring business continuity and increasing the security of the company and information;
  • IT/Digital cost justification and optimization of IT management processes;
  • Qualified consulting assistance;
  • Required operational and technical documentation.

It's important not to confuse "IT Consulting" with IT Audit! These two concepts are often confused. Because of this, businesses sometimes cannot understand what kind of service he needs now. IT audit looks for existing and potential errors, "IT Consulting" works with the achievement of strategic and tactical goals within the digital transformations. With one caveat: "IT Consulting" looks at achieving business goals through the prism information technology.

IT Consulting Areas

Software development consulting – we will help you create a technical task (TOR), determine the requirements, solution architecture and technologies that will solve existing business tasks, increase efficiency and manageability.

IT infrastructure optimization consulting – we will help you determine the current the state of IT in the company, develop an IT development strategy and implement it. Plan your budget on IT development, evaluate or predict the results of the implementation of the solution and determine priorities IT projects.

Digital consulting (many call it Internet consulting) - this type consulting answers the questions “why?”, “how?” and when?" specific business must be present on the Internet (digital environment). The digital environment covers everything online: websites, social networks, mobile applications and other online channels, including Internet marketing areas ORM, SERM, SMRM, SEO, etc. The digital environment is the most effective and innovative, both in terms of communication with the audience and in terms of opportunities for analytics and calculation. Also the most dynamically changing, which is why far not all channels may be suitable for a particular business.

IT Capacity and Availability Management Consulting – we will help bring IT infrastructure in line with changing business requirements, ensure an appropriate balance of IT capacities and reduce the risks associated with the availability of IT services.

Strategic consulting: development and optimization strategy – creation and up-to-date support of the development strategy will give a vision of the development vector, relieve situational solutions and help you manage your IT infrastructure more efficiently.

IT infrastructure security assessment – we will help you identify the weakest points in the information security system and access rules, to analyze compliance of IT infrastructure security with business requirements and best practices, reduce risks of possible security incidents and prepare the necessary countermeasures for their minimization/prevention.

IT Service Management – help you prepare and lead the transformation IT service delivery processes in line with ITSM best practices, increase process efficiency and improve the satisfaction of end users of IT services in the company.