Introducing IT
Automate business
System Integration is a set of works on creation, integration and optimizing the interaction of corporate information systems into a single information space.
Corporate information systems (CIS) are support systems effective functioning of the business, by the method of automated performance of functions management. CIS are necessary for process management, regardless of the size of the company and the complexity of its automation system.
Many people associate the concept of CIS with large-scale companies. It's big delusion!
System Integration pretty a capacious concept, from the supply and implementation of technological solutions of a particular vendor, to complex projects for the design and creation of the company's network infrastructure.
System integration task — automation of technological and business processes of the company. Although system integration may include the integration platforms, data, applications, business processes, etc.
The result of system integration is an increase in business efficiency, through automation and optimization. System integration when building corporate information systems (CIS) is a set of measures that, in the case of building complex systems includes:
- IT Consulting — analysis requirements, concept preparation, risk assessment, strategy development, plan development and preparation of recommendations;
- IT Audit - Comprehensive analysis of IT infrastructure;
- Design — business processes, interfaces and system architecture;
- Development - development software, add-ons, modules, etc.;
- IT Support - Technical maintenance of information systems.
Business success directly depends on whether the platform will be corporate information system (CIS) sufficiently productive, reliable, flexible and efficient.
Our specialists are ready to offer you integration and support, as commercial products and products based on open source software (Open Source). Modern IT solutions for the creation and modernization of the infrastructure part of CIS with using a wide range of software and hardware.
Always ready to offer integration:
- Setting up project management
- Portal Intranet Solutionsi
- Security systems
- Data Leak Prevention (DLP)
- Reserve systems copy data
- Virtualization systems
- Corporate mail systems
- Unified Communications
- Control and operation systems
- CRM systems, HRM, Workflow, SCM, Project Management, ERP, etc.
- Helpdesk, Service desk
- Electronic document management systems (EDMS)
- Corporate Document Storage and more